Evolution of whole-organism performance capacity
Edited by Duncan J. Irschick & Jean-François Le Galliard

Studying the evolution of whole-organism performance capacity: sex, selection, and haiku — an introduction
Duncan J. Irschick & Jean-François Le Galliard — 2008(2) (irschick@bio.umass.edu)
Keywords: ecology, evolution, locomotion, performance selection

The genetic consequences of evolving two sexes: the genetic structure of distylous and dioecious species of Erythroxylum.
César A. Abarca, Angélica Martínez-Bauer, Francisco Molina-Freaner & César A. Domínguez — 2008(2) (tejada@servidor.unam.mx)
Keywords: Baker’s hypothesis, dioecy, distyly, Erythroxylum, genetic differentiation, genetic diversity, sexual dimorphism

An ecological twist on the morphology-performance-fitness axis.
Ryan Calsbeek — 2008(2) (ryan.calsbeek@Dartmouth.edu)
Keywords: anole, island, lizard, locomotor performance, selection

Diet quality mediates the effect of multiple mating on female Gryllus vocalis vocal field cricket lifetime reproductive success.
Susan N. Gershman — 2008(2) (sgershm@ilstu.edu)
Keywords: diet quality, fecundity, fertility, Gryllus vocalis, multiple mating, polyandry, survival

Sexual selection on locomotor performance.
Jerry F. Husak & Stanley F. Fox — 2008(2) (husak@vt.edu)
Keywords: endurance, locomotion, performance, sexual selection, sprint speed

How does selection operate on whole-organism functional performance capacities? A review and synthesis.
Duncan J. Irschick, Jerry J. Meyers, Jerry F. Husak & Jean-François Le Galliard — 2008(2) (irschick@bio.umass.edu)
Keywords: ecology, evolution, locomotion, performance selection

Floral scents repel potentially nectar-thieving ants.
Robert R. Junker & Nico Blüthgen — 2008(2) (bluethgen@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de)
Keywords: allomones, antagonists, floral traits, mutualism exploitation, nectar, olfactometer, repellence, terpenoids

Size, temperature, and fitness: three rules.
Joel G. Kingsolver & Raymond B. Huey — 2008(2) (jgking@bio.unc.edu)
Keywords: body size, development time, fitness metrics, haiku, phenotypic plasticity, reaction norm, temperature

Evolution of maximal endurance capacity: natural and sexual selection across age classes in a lizard.
Jean-François Le Galliard & Regis Ferrière — 2008(2) (galliard@biologie.ens.fr)
Keywords: locomotor performance, microevolution, reproductive success, squamate reptiles, survival

Causes of sexual dimorphism in performance traits: a comparative approach.
Raoul Van Damme, P. Entin, B. Vanhooydonck & A. Herrel — 2008(2) (raoul.vandamme@ua.ac.be)
Keywords: fecundity, natural selection, sexual selection, territoriality, whole-animal performance