Evol Ecol Res 1: 261-275 (1999)     Full PDF if your library subscribes.

Saumon à la Kaitala et Getz, sauce hollandaise

Odo Diekmann,1 Sido D. Mylius2 and Janneke R. ten Donkelaar2

1Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht and 2Institute of Evolutionary and Ecological Sciences, Leiden University, PO Box 9516, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

Address all correspondence to Sido D. Mylius, Population Biology Section, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 320, 1098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
e-mail: mylius@bio.uva.nl


We investigate the interplay of population dynamics and adaptive dynamics via the timing of reproduction, in the context of a caricatural discrete-time model. We find that semelparity can cause co-existence of different population-dynamical attractors and that resonance of life-span relative to population-dynamical fluctuations can have a profound effect on invasibility and the resulting evolutionarily stable life-history. Different local attractors of the resident population dynamics can have different invasion properties. Successful invasion in one attractor can be followed by extinction of the former invader, ultimately leading the resident to the same attractor, but phase-shifted, or to another attractor. So a strategy can be ‘invasible, yet invincible’. In addition, our analysis emphasizes that, for a fluctuating population, one must carefully distinguish between polymorphisms and mixed strategies.

Keywords: adaptive dynamics, age at reproduction, complex population dynamics, evolutionarily stable strategy, evolutionary dynamics, extinction, invasion, life history, multiple attractors, resonance.

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