Evol Ecol Res 2: 701-718 (2000) Full PDF if your library subscribes.
Heterocarpy in Calendula micrantha (Asteraceae): The effects of competition and availability of water on the performance of offspring from different fruit morphs
Mary Elizabeth Gardocki,1 Heather Zablocki,1 Ali El-Keblawy2 and D. Carl Freeman1
1Department of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA and 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of United Arab Emirates, P.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, UAE
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Heterocarpy is often associated with different flower morphs. However, in Calendula micrantha, a monoecious member of the Asteraceae, all six fruit morphs arise only from ray flowers. The maternal investment differs markedly among the fruit morphs, as does the growth, size and competitive ability of the resulting seedlings. The fruit morphs appear to be adapted to different conditions, as there were profound differences among the progeny of different morphs raised at different densities and in different watering treatments.
Keywords: Asteraceae, Calendula micrantha, heterocarpy, niche partitioning.
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