Evol Ecol Res 11: 1235-1250 (2009)     Full PDF if your library subscribes.

Introgression of sexually selected traits in lek-mating species

Federico Prado, Timothy Billo and Benjamin Kerr

Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Correspondence: F. Prado, Department of Biology, University of Washington, Box 351800, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
e-mail: fprado@u.washington.edu


Questions: Do sexually selected traits cross species boundaries faster in species with lek or lek-like mating systems in which mating success is highly skewed? Can introgression of alleles take place even if selected against when rare?

Mathematical methods: Here we use a population genetic model and consider an unstructured population in which males form leks at random and females choose mates within leks based on phenotypic differences. We then expand the model and add metapopulation structure.

Key insights: When a novel allele is associated with phenotypic traits in males that are preferred by females, we show that the initial speed of introgression increases with lek size and strength of female preference. In our metapopulation model, we show that a novel allele can invade a species even if sexual selection works against the allele when rare (a form of positive frequency dependence).

Conclusions: The speed of introgression of a novel allele increases with lek size and female bias. Immigration of an allele from subpopulations in which it is common into subpopulations in which it is rare can make it frequent enough to overcome sexual selection against it at low frequencies. In such cases, introgression is more likely and occurs faster with larger lek size.

Keywords: female choice, hybrid zones, invasion, leks, Manacus, manakins, migration, population structure, sexual selection, travelling wave, unidirectional introgression, gene flow.

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